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Royal Lady Bee Content Creator Program


We're Paying It Forward


It’s simple to do and it’s free!

Simply sign up, share the grow, and watch the $$$ roll in.

  • FREE Royal Lady Bee Products

    We'll send you Royal Lady Bee products to try out, get the word out and share your experience.

  • Earn Extra Money

    We offer a commission rate of 10% on every sale you make. Plus, your followers get 5% off too!

  • High Conversion Rate

    Our products and landing pages are so effective that on average, 5% of visitors convert.

  • Personalized Onboarding

    Our team will guide you for success, and a custom link to share with your friends and followers.

  • Exclusive VIP Access

    You will be the first to try and get access to our exclusive new products, promotions and VIP campaigns.

  • Top Quality Platform

    We provide a 30-day cookie window period to ensure no sales are missed and all payouts are on time.

Create Your Account To Get Started


Product: Get Your ROYAL LADY BEE!


Create Exciting Content And Get Selling


Good To Know

We have collected the most frequently asked questions. If you miss an answer, please contact us:


1. Intellectual Property Rights.

a. Intellectual Property Rights. No
license or other right of any kind is granted by Royal Lady Bee to Influencer, except as expressly provided in these Terms. Influencer shall not use Royal Lady Bee copyrights, trademarks, trade names, or other intellectual property in any way except to the limited extent as may be expressly agreed in the Agreement.

b. Influencer’s Content and
Influencer gives Melipona Honey the irrevocable, sub-licenseable, worldwide right and permission to use any work product or other video, photo, written or verbal content Influencer shares or provides related to the Services (collectively, “Royal Lady Bee -Related Content”) in any manner, in whole or in part, and for any purpose in any and in any and all media, including and without limitation, on Royal Lady Bee owned or controlled websites and platforms, social media, any advertising materials, publications, marketing materials, and/or presentations, and in any and all other media, in perpetuity. Any statements, posts and/or feedback that Influencer provides may be paraphrased, amplified, shortened and/or put into conversational form. Influencer further agrees that Royal Lady Bee may contact (including by means of messages on public social media platforms)
Influencer about any Royal Lady Bee -Related Content.

Influencer acknowledges that participation in the Services
means Royal Lady Bee can use Influencer’s Royal Lady Bee -Related Content and include Influencer’s name/likeness/social media handle or channel/blog name and any other Influencer attributes in any manner that Royal Lady Bee determines supports the purposes of these Terms, including use in any media that accepts advertising or promotional content or communications (such as, but not limited to, digital, print, television or radio) with no time restraint.


2.1 In consideration of and
subject to the payment of the commission, the Influencer shall:

 undertake the Deliverables in accordance with the Agreement, and it is agreed that time
is of the essence in the Influencer’s performance of the Deliverables;

2.1.2 ensure that all Deliverables shall not: feature or refer to any brand names, logos, emblems or
products without the prior written approval of Royal Lady Bee; anything that might be considered offensive, indecent or
unlawful, or that might reasonably be considered to be prejudicial or bring Royal Lady Bee, the Campaign or the Partner into disrepute; be used for unlawful purposes or in any way that may damage the name or reputation of Royal Lady Bee or the Partner or that of any of Royal Lady Bee's or the Partner’s affiliates; infringe the rights (including the Intellectual Property Rights) of any third party; and comply with all Applicable Laws and advertising
regulations and be communicated to the public in a way which is transparent and makes clear to users that the Influencer has a commercial relationship with Royal Lady Bee and, where applicable, the Partner;

2.1.3 familiarize themselves with the Advertising Standards Authority guidance on blogging and vlogging and ensure that all Deliverables
comply with it;

2.1.4 not delete, archive or otherwise remove the Deliverables from the Influencer’s Social Media feed during the Display Period commencing from the date of posting;

2.1.5 ensure that all hashtags, tags, the Royal Lady Bee Logos, the Partner Logos and/or reference to the Campaign (as set out in the Brief Sheet or as otherwise agreed with Royal Lady Bee in writing) are included on the Deliverables;

2.1.6 ensure that the hashtag “#ad” or “#advertisement” is obvious, visible and prominent in each Instagram post and story caption;

2.1.7 modify or remove any content immediately if and as reasonably requested to do so by Royal Lady Bee or the Partner;

2.1.8 comply with the Special Terms set out in the Term Sheet,if any.


a. Influencer represents and warrants that: (i) the Royal Lady Bee -Related Content will be wholly original and will not infringe upon any copyright, patent, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, or any other proprietary or other right of any person, whether contractual, statutory or common law; (ii) the Services rendered by Influencer shall be promptly rendered with due care and shall be of first rate quality; (iii) Influencer
will not commit any act which brings Royal Lady Bee into public disrepute, contempt, scandal, or ridicule, or which insults or offends the general community to which Royal Lady Bee advertising materials are directed, or which might tend to harm Royal Lady Bee or any of Royal Lady Bee's products or services including, without limitation, disparaging Royal Lady Bee or its products or services; (iv) Influencer’s statements, posts and feedback are true and accurately reflect Influencer’s honest opinion and experience with Royal Lady Bee, and its competitors’ products and/or services to the extent applicable, (v) Influencer agrees that time is of the essence in connection with these Terms and all deadlines provided by Royal Lady Bee, (viii) Influencer will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, administrative guidelines, orders and ordinances, including without limitation, all privacy and data security laws and the terms and conditions of all applicable third party web sites, platform or applications, including by making disclosures in accordance with the FTC Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines (“FTC Guides”) as further detailed on the Agreement, in rendering the Services herein and (ix) Influencer is at least 18 years of age and has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement in Influencer’s own name.

b. Influencer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Royal Lady Bee and its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, business partners and agents, from and against any and all third party claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) Influencer’s breach of any of its representations and/or warranties hereunder, (ii) the authorized use of the Royal Lady Bee -Related Content or exercise of the rights granted hereunder, (iii) Influencer’s use of third party products or content in performing the Services; and (iv) Influencer’s negligence or willful misconduct.

c. Influencer hereby agrees, for Influencer and Influencer’s heirs, executors and administrators, to release, waive, discharge, absolve, agree to hold harmless, and covenants not to sue, Royal Lady Bee and its agents, employees, officers, directors, successors and assigns (collectively, “Released Parties”), from and/or in relation to any and all liability, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever resulting from the use of Influencer’s Royal Lady Bee -Related Content or which Influencer, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns had, now have or hereafter may have, by reason of any matter connected in any way with the Released Parties’ exercise of their express or implied rights hereunder, including but not limited to the right to use Influencer’s name, voice or likeness, it being understood that the Released Parties shall be free to use Influencer’s name, voice and likeness in any manner in connection with the Royal Lady Bee -Related Content or otherwise in support of the purposes of these Terms. Royal Lady Bee shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, exemplary damages (including but not limited to lost profits) and the combined, aggregate liability of Royal Lady Bee hereunder shall not exceed the fees payable to Influencer under these Terms.


Influencer’s relationship with Royal Lady Bee is that of an independent contractor and Influencer agrees that as an independent contractor, it will not be considered an employee of Royal Lady Bee for any purpose, including tax obligations, and will not be eligible to participate in any of Royal Lady Bee’s medical, benefit or health plans.


Confidential Information. 

5.1Unless authorized by Royal Lady Bee, Influencer agrees to hold all Confidential Information in strict confidence, not to disclose Confidential Information to any third parties, and to use Confidential Information solely for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under these Terms. “Confidential Information” shall mean all information, excluding information available from the public domain, disclosed by Royal Lady Bee to Influencer related.

5.2 This Clause 5 shall continue in force notwithstanding the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason.

6. No Conflict of Interest. Influencer is not subject to, and will not accept during the Term, any obligation that is inconsistent or incompatible with Influencer’s obligations under these Terms, including any obligation to perform services for any company whose goods and services compete with those of Royal Lady Bee.


7. Term and Termination

a. Term.

 The initial term of these Terms shall commence on the Effective Date and continue in full force and effect until terminated as set forth herein or until completion of all Services specified herein, whichever is sooner.


Termination. Royal Lady Bee may terminate these Terms and/or the Services under any Agreement: (i) immediately in the event of a material breach by Influencer or (ii) for convenience at any time, upon seven (7) days’ notice to Influencer. Influencer must return any materials supplied under these Terms, and immediately remove any Royal Lady Bee -Related Content from dissemination or from Influencer channels upon termination. For clarity, Influencer’s failure to make disclosures in the manner set forth in the FTC Guides and/or as instructed by Royal Lady Bee shall be deemed a material breach of the Terms that is not capable of cure.

c. Survival. 

The rights and obligations contained in Sections 1
(“Intellectual Property Rights”), 2 (“Representations and Warranties”), 4 (“Confidential Information”), 6(c) (“Survival”), and 7 (“Miscellaneous”) will survive any termination or expiration of these Terms.

8. Miscellaneous

Influencer will not be entitled to, and hereby waives any right to seek, injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of these Terms, and Influencer’s sole remedy for any breach by Royal Lady Bee shall be to recover monetary damages, if any, subject to the terms and conditions herein. Influencer may not subcontract or otherwise delegate Influencer’s obligations
under these Terms without Royal Lady Bee’s prior written consent. Subject to the foregoing, these Terms shall benefit and bind the parties’ successors and permitted assigns. These Terms shall be governed in all respects
by the laws of the State of California and Influencer agrees that unless otherwise indicated by Royal Lady Bee any action arising from or relating to these Terms shall be brought exclusively in a state or federal court located in California. Should any provisions of these Terms be held by a court of
law to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms shall not be affected or impaired thereby. The waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of these Terms by the other party shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent breach by the other party. These Terms (including the applicable Agreement) constitute the entire agreement between the parties
relating to this subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements concerning such subject matter. These Terms may only be changed by mutual agreement of authorized representatives of the parties in writing.


Royal Lady Bee and Influencer have agreed to execute the marketing activities identified below. Each party shall coordinate their respective marketing activities. All such promotion and marketing costs by a respective Party shall be borne solely by that Party, unless otherwise indicated below or in your affiliate brief sent with products.

 Activities of Royal Lady Bee:

To provide Deliverables and Brief Sheet at no cost to Influencer.

 Activities of Influencer:

Within 30 days of receipt of deliverables Influencer must utilize product and write an honest and informative review for deliverables on our website, email prompt will be sent for convenience. Influencer must create User Generated Content within 40 days of receipt of product(s) unless otherwise stated in Brief Sheet. One social media post, reel, video, or blog post per
product must be created and shared within the set forth deadline and remain on feed for a minimum of 90 days. If influencer elected multiple products, allow a minimum of one week before posting additional content. Deliverables do not need
to be returned, continual promotion is allowed, and commission link is valid unless contract is terminated, or discussed otherwise.

 *If influencer does not uphold their responsibilities within the aforementioned deadline the influencer is responsible for full payment of deliverables and shipping fees.*

Payment Terms:

Commission is paid on a bi-weekly basis, the first and third Friday’s of the Month.

You may elect to either receive payment via paypal, venmo, cash app, or check.

Royal Lady Bee - Affiliate Program

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